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Historic Can-Am Sunday Feature Race July 26 At First 2020 Major Vintage Race With Spectators

Posted Jul-07-20 at 4:50 PM By Dan Davis

Road America's July 24-26 WeatherTech International Challenge With Brian Redman expects a large crowd of enthusiastic spectators to enjoy a full schedule of vintage races with cars of all types.  Shadow Cars are the featured marque with six historic Can-Am types in the featured Sunday afternoon feature, along with McLaren's, McKee's, Lola's and a rare roadster Ford GT40 Can-Am car.  To honor Shadow's entry in the later 1977-1986 single seat 5 liter engine series, there are two of these types in the Sunday feature.  There are two Shadow F5000 cars in the big historic open wheel car race.

The 4 mile, 14 turn circuit set in 600 park like acres is one of the best road racing facilities in the world.  Its long straights, fast sweeping turns, a challenging curving, flowing thunder valley section, plus a tight turn 5 challenges drivers of all classes and provides excellent spectator viewing sites.


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