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Posted Jan-27-23 at 7:03 PM By Dan Davis

International Vintage Trans Am 2 Liter/B Sedan/2.5 Challenge Sports Sedans Featured Put-In-Bay Sports Car Races September 19-21, 2023

These vintage small sports sedans have been popular in road racing since the 1950s.  Popular marques include Mazda, Honda, Datsun/Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Lotus, Alfa Romeo, Renault, Corvair and VW.  Small sports cars and sports racing cars also have exciting races on the schedule.  Japanese marques are the events Feature Marque.

The event celebrates the original races from 1952-1959 and 1963 held on both through-the-streets and airfield circuits on South Bay Island Ohio.  The PIB vintage races and related festivities have been held annually since 2012.
For info: Manley Ford, Event Coordinator, 734-502-2435, [email protected]. Or Kurt Byrnes, Registrar, 412-400-9156, [email protected]

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